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Communion Hymn (Behold the Lamb) in Japanese
One of my favorite songs we sing as a church family as we share the Lord's supper together is a song written by Stuart Townend called the Communion Hymn. It beautifully encapsulates what we are to remember as we gather: the sacrifice of Jesus, our bond of love as...
Coloring Book Sunday School Illustrations- Old Testament
Bekah Kuehlman from Calvary Baptist Church in Nagoya shared these awesome illustrations of Old Testament scenes. These would be great for those who are teaching through the Old Testament, either as coloring pages, or just to share with kids to get a visualization for...
Interactive Bible Study- Galatians
Interactive Bible Studies are incredibly helpful in keeping everyone involved as you study together. When one person is speaking and everyone else is listening, for the hearer, it becomes easy to "zone out." This is where an interactive Bible study can help. Each...
DeepL- One of the best English-Japanese translators
If you’ve been in Japan long enough, you’ve probably figured out that mainstream translators have a lot to be desired. You can come up with some pretty "interesting" results, even with Google Translate. For the last year or two, I’ve been using DeepL Translate, and...
Interactive Bible Study- James
Interactive Bible Studies are incredibly helpful in keeping everyone involved as you study together. When one person is speaking and everyone else is listening, for the hearer, it becomes easy to "zone out." This is where an interactive Bible study can help. Each...
Church Logo Stickers
I'm always on the lookout for good deals for our church. I found one. This one isn't necessarily on the spiritual end per se (lol) but still worth looking into I think. Appsumo (which I've used a lot over the years) has a deal with stickermule for 50 die cut stickers...